Jessica Atwood
Program Manager
Jessica Atwood serves as Program Manager at FitLot and brings a wealth of training and professional experience in nonprofit management. In this role, she works closely with FitLot partner cities to facilitate programs and execute grant terms. She also conducts research and leverages community connections as a member of the FitLot development team.
Jesscia earned a Master’s of Public Administration with a concentration in nonprofit management from the University of New Orleans. A Seattle native, she graduated with a BA from Western Washington University. Previously, Jessica spent seven years at De La Salle High School where she focused on advancement and served as Director of Admissions. Prior to that, she served at St. Margaret’s Daughters Home as the Executive Director of a worker-owned cooperative program called Lagniappe Lifestyles Services Cooperative.
In her decade living in New Orleans, Jessica has been active in the community as a member of the Junior League of New Orleans (JLNO) and an alumna of the Emerging Philanthropists of New Orleans (EPNO). She currently serves as captain of a women’s recreational soccer team.