FitLot Eventbrite Registration System Guide
About Lesson

There is a significant difference between customizing Multi-Week Series Classes in Eventbrite vs. Into and Drop-In Class. Be sure to follow these directions to customize, publish and add additional multi-week series classes to the Eventbrite Registration System.

Customize and Publish MULTI-WEEK (series) Classes

  1. Login
  2. Click on the drop down arrow next to the icon in the top right corner of the page
  3. Select Manage Events
  4. Click on the “Events Status” menu bar and select “Draft” from the drop down menu.
  5. Click the three vertical dots ፧ on the right of the Multi-Week SERIES 
  6. Select “Edit” from the drop down menu.
  7. Click Basic Info from the menu on the left.
    • – Make sure that “Single Event” is selected
    • – Enter the date and time that your Multi-Week Series Class starts.
    • – Enter the date and time that your Multi-Week Series Class ends.
    • – Click Save.
  8. Select “Details” from the menu on the left.
    1. Scroll down to Dates and Meeting Times
    2. Update the information for each week with your class schedule.
    3. Click Save.
  9. Select “Tickets” from the menu on the left.
  10. The edit ticket menu will appear on the right hand side of the screen.
    1. Make sure that “Free” is selected at the top of the menu
    2. Update the Quantity to the maximum number of tickets available.
      1. To calculate the quantity of tickets each registrant should be issued for a SERIES class, multiply the number of classes in the series by the maximum number of participants you allow for each class; do not exceed 25 participants per class. For example, 16 classes (8 weeks of 2 classes per week) x 25 participants = 400 tickets.
    3. Enter the start date and time of the series (the first class date and start time)
    4. Enter the end date and time of the series (the last class date and end time) 
    5. Click the down arrow next to Advanced Settings
    6. Enter the minimum and maximum number of tickets per order. These numbers should be the same at all times.
      1. To calculate the minimum and maximum number of tickets per order multiply the number of weeks in the series by the number of days per week classes are held. For example, 8 weeks of 2 classes per week = 16 tickets per order.
    7. Click Save.
  11. Select “Publish” from the menu on the left.
    1. Who can see your event? Select Public
    2. Publish Options: Select Publish Now
    3. Click Save
    4. The Multi-Week Series class is now published and participants may sign-up. 
      1. (Please follow the steps in how to Add a Multi-Week Series class to add additional series classes. Please note that this process is different from adding an Intro or Drop-In class.)

👉Save your changes regularly while editing your pages! Eventbrite DOES NOT Auto-Save your work !👈