Yesterday, FitLot, a relatively new startup, officially opened its What You Give Will Grow FitLot Fitness Park, which will serve as a free-to-use outdoor fitness station near the Lafitte Greenway. Named after its primary sponsor, What You Give Will Grow, this new fitness park is the first of many projects coordinated by FitLot.
The new park is located near the Sojourner Truth Neighborhood Center lot, located on Lafitte Avenue and Galvez Street. The outdoor fitness center will be on the adjacent side of the community center’s playground. After the fitness center is built, there will be a path connecting it to the Lafitte Greenway.
Initially, the construction of the outdoor fitness center was completed during the first week of February, according to Adam Mejerson, the founder and executive director for FitLot. A ribbon cutting celebration for the Greenway FitLot will be held in March of 2017.