Course Content
Please review this information prior to starting the course.
1. Current State of Health and Fitness
Learning objectives: -- Understand current statistics around physical fitness, inactivity and obesity within the US and worldwide -- Gain an understanding of how obesity and disease impact healthcare costs and overall public health -- Understand how FitLot Outdoor Fitness Parks can be part of the solution
2. History and Benefits of Outdoor Fitness
Learning objectives: -- Understand the history of outdoor fitness and outdoor fitness parks -- Describe the health benefits of exercising outdoors -- Explain the potential impact of accessible green space and outdoor fitness parks on public health and communities
3. Group Training in Public Spaces
Learning objectives: -- Understand the benefits of exercising in groups -- Identify considerations for training in outdoor and public spaces -- Identify specific areas of concern for instructors leading classes safely in outdoor public spaces
4. Circuit Training Overview
Learning Objectives -- Understand the history behind circuit training programs -- Learn the benefits of circuit training, based on research -- Understand why circuit training is effective in a community class setting
5. Review of Anatomy
Learning Objectives -- Reinforce the importance of a basic understanding of bones and muscles -- Review the basic joint actions and types of muscle contractions -- Review the anatomical planes and understand their utilization in exercise programming
6. Foundational Training Principles and Concepts
Learning Objectives -- Understand the basic components of physical fitness -- Explain basic principles of exercise programming -- Review select points of exercise physiology and the various energy pathways
7. Training Fundamentals
Learning Objectives -- Describe and demonstrate fundamental movements -- Understand the fundamental elements that are incorporated into FitLot Circuit Training classes -- Identify the 11 fixed stations of the outdoor fitness park structure and describe exercises that may be performed at each of them.
8. FitKit Resistance Band Training
Learning Objectives -- Understand the FitKit Resistance Band System and how it can be incorporated into FitLot training -- Explain how the FitKit resistance bands, and other equipment utilizing anchor points, attach to the FitLot structure -- Understand existing research that supports the effectiveness of resistance band training -- Describe specific exercises that use the FitKit resistance bands
9. FitLot Circuit Training Program
Learning Objectives -- Understand FitLot Circuit Training Program methodology -- Understand how FitLot Circuit Training classes are organized and implemented -- Learn how to plan a FitLot Circuit Training class
10. Coaching and Class Instruction
Learning Objectives -- Understand successful instruction techniques for teaching outdoor fitness classes -- Describe best practices for class execution regarding music, timing, vocal instruction, monitoring intensity, and class setup
11. Considerations for Special Populations and Health Emergencies
Learning Objectives -- Understand the importance of pre-screening and health risk assessment procedures as part of the registration process -- Identify common conditions that may present special health and safety concerns in an outdoor fitness park class -- Identify special populations that may require extra attention and modifications during an outdoor fitness park class -- Describe environmental conditions that may arise when instructing outdoor fitness classes and how to handle them safely -- Identify emergency conditions and situations and explain corresponding appropriate action
FitLot Coaches Training Course
About Lesson

Class Execution


Instructors are encouraged to use a BlueTooth speaker and electronic audio cueing for managing the circuit training. The app “Seconds” allows trainers to set rounds, rest time, and number of circuits. Having a loud audible bell helps the participants to stay on track. If a BlueTooth speaker is not available, the coach should use a stopwatch or timer to ensure accurate execution of the desired work and rest periods. The timer can be visible to participants, but it is not necessary. We strongly suggest using the audio cue and speaker. 


Instructors are encouraged to play music during class. The music should be motivational and upbeat.  Because it is being played in a public space, the lyrics should be appropriate and the volume should be kept at a level that takes into consideration other people enjoying the public park.

Instructors may use a portable BlueTooth speaker to connect to their phone or other device. Your program organizer i.e. Department of Parks and Recreation may have a portable sound system that can be used as well.

Music sets the tone for the experience, and according to research, “can enhance endurance [of participants] by 15%” (Brunell, 2008). In addition, music can serve as an “ergogenic aid” to class participants (Bicknell, 2013). Taking the time to put together a great playlist takes effort, but the energy and enjoyment it can bring to your class is well worth it. Visit FitLot’s Spotify Playlist for some fun upbeat music you can use.

Vocal Instruction

Most instructors will not need a microphone. Some trainers may prefer to use one, as repeated class instruction does take a toll on an instructor’s vocal cords. The Department of Parks and Recreation may also have a portable mic system available. Instructors should feel free to use whatever suits them best.

Instructors not using microphones should be sure to use techniques that lend to adequate and safe vocal projection. Additional information and specific instructions on how to improve your vocal projection can be found here:

Monitoring Intensity

Instructors are encouraged to monitor exercise intensity using the Rating of Perceived Exertion scale and/or heart rate monitors if available. Instructors should use cues that describe signs of physical exertion to help participants clearly identify the intensity level they are working within. Be prepared to offer regressions, progressions and modifications for a wide variety of fitness levels and experience. The goal is to provide everyone with a safe, effective, and positive outdoor fitness experience.

See Appendix C for an RPE intensity chart that can be used for reference.

Station Identification – Using FitLot’s Deck of Movement Cards

Cones or station cards can be used to identify the different stations of the circuit.  Here you can find a link to a “Deck of Movements” that you can print and use as station identifiers. These cards and visual aids are especially useful for helping class participants understand which resistance band movement you would like them to do at any of the 30 resistance band attachment sites located throughout the fitness park.

Printing Instructions: We recommend having these printed locally on a heavy card stock of 110 lbs Color Copy Cover or a 10 Pt C1S paper. Cards should be printed large enough to be visible. Laminating is suggested, and you can use adhesive magnets or magnets with clips to temporarily place these cards on the upright beams of the park.